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OverviewVyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) is used in patients to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults and in children (6 years old and older). It is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant medication. It may increase the ability to stop fidgeting, pay attention, and stay focused.This information is for educational purposes only.
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WINNER NOTIFICATION AND RELEASES: On or around December 10, 2018, Sponsor will attempt to notify the potential winner(s) via email. If a potential winner: (a) does not respond after the first attempted contact from Sponsor within 48 hours, (b) is not in compliance with these Official Rules, (c) does not meet replica bags near me the eligibility requirements, (d) declines the prize, or (e) does not sign and return required documents or provide required identification by deadlines established by Sponsor, he or she will be disqualified and the prize awarded to an alternate winner as determined by random draw from the remaining eligible entries. Sponsor will conduct up to two alternate drawings for the prize, time permitting.
Sydney man jailed after luring then robbing victims he met on gay social networking app Grindr By Louise HallUpdatedMarch 3, 2015 3.56pmfirst published at 3.07pmCorey Draper, 23, contacted the victims via Grindr, a mobile app favoured by gay, bi sexual and bi curious men, the Sydney District Court heard on Tuesday. After chatting online, the suggestion was made to meet up to use the drug ice.At about 1.30am, on February 9, 2014, Draper met with a 28 year old man in Waterloo, who handed over $200 to buy ice.They walked to Buckland Street, Alexandria where Draper then pulled a knife and took the man wallet, removing $270 cash, and mobile phone, replica bags in gaffar market before handing back the wallet. Draper threatened to kill him if the matter was reported to police.The victim did call police and forensic investigators located Draper DNA on the wallet.The following day, at about 2am, Draper met up with a 48 year old man replica bags chicago he had been chatting to on Grindr.The victim drove to Fountain Street, Alexandria, where Draper got in the car and threatened him with a knife, telling him to drive to McEvoy Street.”Just do it or I will kill you.
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