Labor calls for icc involvement in zimbabwe security sector

The National Transitional Council (NTC) has called on Zimbabwe to deploy the country’s elite armed forces in security units and civilian positions across the country, Custodia cover Samsung S7 ahead of a security cabinet meeting on Thursday.

The council’s statement released on Wednesday said that it wants to “help secure the peace in the country” 엠카지노and to safeguard “national unity”.

The statement, Custodia cover Samsung S6 collier argent pendant issued at the beginning of an upcoming meeting, custodia cover samsung collier emo homme 3collierfrance5921 said it had also called upon all the other armed forces to undertake security functions and “use their capabilities” with “courage”.

In addition to security units and civilians, vintage simple en forme de u oreille os manchette non perce clip boucles doreilles a la mode punk petit creux geometrique cercle boucles doreilles oreille bijoux the council has said the deployment of the Zimbabwe Security Forces would also be of assistance “to the government of Mozambique, Custodia cover Samsung NOTE9 mhs sun boheme style femmes pierre naturelle perlee bracelets bracelets mode couches bracelets the military leadership of Zimbabwe” to provide “a secure and effective military presence to prevent military attacks against civilians”.

Zimbabwe’s armed forces will not be participating in any action to prevent military attacks targeting civilians and will not “use their capabilities” to commit war crimes “by violating the constitution”.

The statement said that the NTC will be carrying out its security functions with “courage and the commitment of the armed forces of Zimbabwe”.

It also called upon the authorities to ensure their implementation to prevent violations of international law and regulations XO 카지노and to respect international humanitarian law, Custodia cover Samsung S10 top collier ras de cou 2collierfrance8039 which are in strict contradiction with the laws and treaties passed by the international community and adopted by Zimbabwe.

The council has called on the government of Mozambique to immediately cease the deployment of armed forces and the army’s use against African nationalities.

The armed forces o슬롯 머신f Mozambique must be kept in full confidence, cover custodia iphone 11 so that they can exercise the necessary sovereignty and ensure the safety of all persons in and around their territorial borders.

The council called on the authorities in Zaire and Burundi to ensure safe and proper operations,